Legal Disclaimer & Clarification

Sacred Company LLC & SACRED INTIMACY TEMPLE, LLC promote safe, sex-positive spaces where individuals can learn, explore, and engage in Conscious Conversations & Practices for your Spiritual Path, Sacred Sexuality, and Opening Your Heart. Our focus is on educating people about safe practices and personal responsibility.

None of the rituals or exercises in our training require participants to engage in sexual activities with one another. While our spaces are sex-positive, participants are free to interact with each other during off-time within the boundaries and agreements set for each training. It’s important to understand that these trainings are purely for educational purposes, and any ‘play’ activities are entirely the choice of individuals wanting to explore their connection to one another.

We want to make it clear that our trainings are centred on the embodied spiritual journey of each individual. Sexuality is one of the themes explored in our training, but there is no requirement for sexual engagement. Many participants have completed our trainings without engaging in any sexual activities and have still experienced profound and meaningful transformations.

Participation in our offerings requires a commitment to your own safety, agency, and emotional wellness. By engaging with our content and services, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your well-being and that Sacred Company LLC & SACRED INTIMACY TEMPLE, LLC are not liable for any outcomes resulting from your participation, and that each person will thoroughly read and follow our ethical guidelines and best practices to ensure emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being another.

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